Friday, June 24, 2022

I'm Angry.

This is not a debate. I'm not engaging in discussion. I kept my mouth shut because "I don't discuss religion,  politics or college football" Damn, I'm stupid. 

Do NOT quote the Bible at me. Period. God & I are fine. America was not built by Christian Men with Christian Values. They called for a SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
A vocal, religion-backed far-right minority has decided it gets to tell all of us our Rights.  Even as they prove they don't care about America. Or God. or Christianity.
More worried about guns & curriculum NOT being taught in schools than children in those schools.
More worried about how people express their love than loving people with Universal Healthcare.
More worried about who people marry than helping families in need.
More worried about calling for the death of people from their tax-sheltered pulpits

Fuck that.
Y'all did this.  In 2016. You opened the gates to let this slime ooze out and be brazen and open about hatred. We will spend decades undoing this. By then, maybe it will all burn down-choirs singing as the flames rise.
Ask Rome
Ask Greece
Ask Persia
Ask the Ottoman
Ask Great Britian
Ask the Soviet Union

If anyone thinks overturning Roe V Wade is about abortion,  you are delusional.

Just look at some of the proposed state bills: no IUDs or other types of birth control,  rapists & pedophiles allowed a voice after they have already violated their victims because maybe "some good" can come from a 14 y.o. giving birth to her father's child, citizens asked to turn each other in, doctors required to report pregnant women who miscarry, women FORBIDDEN from traveling out of the state to get an abortion-even to save her life,  ectopic pregnancy forced to continue to the ultimate outcome-the death of the woman.

Trigger laws took effect immediately. 

This is about control, bodily rights and privacy.
Pro-birth, not pro-life.
Women and children will die.
But because they are already born, no one will care.

Next they are coming for
Marriage Rights
Availability of Birth Control
LGBTQ Rights
The kind of sex you can have
Medical Privacy
Voter Rights

This is only the beginning.
Clarence Thomas has already said it. Outloud.
When they show you who they are, believe them.

And not about the cost of gas.
About the cost of our Rights.
While we still have them.