Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Empty Nest and Full Belly!

So I bought an air-fryer and began posting the stupid shit I do with it on Facebook.  I'm told I should write a blog.  I have a blog, so...consider this your invitation to the wedding 😂 A Three way marriage between the air-fryer,  Facebook and my desire/need to write again! I am nothing if not open-minded...

Please feel free to look into my past posts while you are here.  I used this space for years to write poetry, write posts based on prompts from writing groups and to just get some stuff out of my system.  I will go back and delete anything really dated or irrelevant, but some of this is my best writing. 

I have a few suggestions if you'd like to read a couple of things...

Where I'm From 


If this is a mid-life crisis, where is my red Corvette?   This one was actually published on the  More magazine website.  To bad it doesn't exist any more! 

I will post the air-fryer stuff to save my Facebook friends**Tee-Hee**but I think I will write the other stuff again, too. 

I have missed it

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