Monday, August 11, 2008

Just call me by my gansta name...

Diz would be OK, too...but only if we are tight

Sometimes I go by my DJ name

and when times are bad and I gotta score a few bucks, I work as a clown
Pogo Helium Cracker

Back when I was the lead singer/triangle player/scarf wrangler for the bluegrass~punk~orchestral~interpretive dance group KAMIKAZE LOVE SOCIETY, I was known as 'Barters with Hand' of the Scrappawank Tribe ~I was also getting back to my Native American roots (yes, I have one Native American ancestor and it was the 70's)

Of course, due to irrational bouts of stage fright, I could only sing after a few rounds of

Serve in a Margarita/coupette glass. Add a lime wedge

Now that I am older, I do what most middle aged people do~I bought a Hog and I ride with my brothers and sisters The Handlesburg Banana Seat Eagles. Give us wide berth when we are cruising through your town~Ignore the Tommy Hilfiger Biker gear-we are tough~we can sue you, correct your grammar and give you a face lift all while doing your taxes. Them Hells Angels ain't got nothing on us!

well, it's late. I am going to take the little pill my doctor gave me and catch some zzzzs between trips to the bathroom and getting up to turn down the AC. I need to rest up for the matinee at the dog track tomorrow. Really, tho, the meds don't seem to be working. I haven't noticed any real change. What do you think....should I get a second opinion?

Name Pistol
Generator Land

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