Monday, July 28, 2008

Just for Giggles

So, I put the Feedjit thing on my sidebar to see where both of my loyal readers are coming from. Turns out most are coming from Google because they search some combination of hot, boys and speedos. The reason is this. Is it wrong that I find this misdirection f'ing hysterical? I am getting my rocks off about interupting the one handed touch typing of freaks and pedophiles all over the world. So tonight, if you come here looking for hot boys in little speedos, penis in hand, fired up, ready to only get me, a short round middle aged librarian in jammies older than her children. So sorry, dude, put it away and pay for a porn site like most pervs...Unless the middle aged librarian in 15 year old jammies thing does it for you, then contact me and we can chat~slowly~cause I know you are only used to typing with the one hand...


Kevin said...

So far i've taken Shelfari and now this from your blog. Keep adding new things and i'll run out of room

Kevin said...

So? How does it feel to be thought of as a porn writer?

LibraryGirl62 said...

well, Kevin....honestly, like most makes me laugh!!!!!